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​​  Yoga...

Dedicated to teaching Yoga in the Iyengar way, as taught by BKS Iyengar

Iyengar Yoga


​​Iyengar yoga gets its name from BKS Iyengar, student of Krishnamakarya. Iyengar developed a system of practicing yoga, which uses props and supports to assist students to practice yoga no matter what their age or ability.  Iyengar yoga is known for its precision and accuracy.  Great care is taken to learn and practice the yoga asanas correctly. Practicing in this  concentrated way brings depth and understanding. A system of props is used, to help people who have difficulty in some of the yoga asanas. Blocks, belts, ropes, chairs and blankets are often used to bring new understanding or to enhance a yoga Asana. With Iyengar yoga there is no such thing as 'I cant do'...there is always a way.

​ All teachers of Iyengar yoga are trained
to very high standards and fully insured;
this is part of the reason that Iyengar
yoga is one of the most widely-performed
methods of yoga worldwide. When you
see the Certification Mark it means the
teacher has completed at least three
years of regular Iyengar yoga classes
followed by two years’ teacher training,
and has successfully passed a rigorous
assessment. Intermediate and Senior
teachers have been practising and
training for many more years and have
passed a series of further assessments.
All Iyengar teachers are required to
maintain their professional development.
The Iyengar Yoga Certification
Mark is a
guarantee of
clarity and
depth of


WHat to expect


​People often say ...I can't do yoga, i'm not flexible, I'm too old, I need to lose weight first, I'm too busy!

​This is precisely why you NEED to do yoga!

What you don't realise, until you start on the path of that it will change your life. Yoga is more than an exercise..or a is a way of living. You will  find the classes invigorating and the poses involve intense
stretching.  You will be guided through the yoga Asanas with care and attention as each individual students need will be addressed... .Iyengar
teachers  are trained to make appropriate adjustments for
different physiques and for people with
specific problems.
..Expect an overall improvement in health, as yoga works on all the systems of the body. Expect improved moods as yoga brings, calm and clarity, concentration and relief from depression and stress. Expect your body to become strong, toned, more flexible. You will leave the class feeling taller, calm and relaxed and as you continue with your practice, psychological and spiritual benefits begin to develop. Expect to have fun and meet new friends and meet like minded people, as yoga opens up a whole new world for you.



Yoga For All


Yoga is not restricted by age, gender, race, religion or physical ability. Yoga is for everyone.  Yoga will accompany you through all stages of your life...childhood, puberty and teenage years, adulthood, pregnancy, childbirth, illness, menopause and old age.  SoulArtYoga currently provides  yoga classes for children, teenagers and adults in South Dublin/Wicklow area. Classes and workshops are provided in schools  and  groups, community organisations & businesses. Please get in touch if you would like to come to a class or book  an event.

Interested in joining a class or booking for an event? Lets Talk.​​​

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